- L'association
- Affiliations internationales
- Repères historiques / Historische Meilensteine
- Bulletin luxembourgeois des questions sociales
- Revue "Questions sociales"
- Evénements
- Conference - Modernising and improving social protection in Europe 1997
- Le centenaire des assurances sociales au Grand-Duché de Luxembourg (1901-2001)
- Séminaire sur les Pensions Complémentaires 2003
- Conférence - L'Introduction de la gestion électronique de documents dans l'administration : Une décision stratégique complexe 2004
- Conférence internationale - Accès aux soins de santé dans un marché unique: impact sur les systèmes légaux et complémentaires 2005
- Conférence internationale - Les formes alternatives de financement de la sécurité sociale 2007
- Conférence ESIP - Le financement de la sécurité sociale - une perspective européenne 2008
- Conférence internationale d'analyse et de recherche en sécurité sociale 2010
- World congress on future nursing systems - new approaches - new evidence for 2020 - 12th IOS World Congress 2012
- Annual conference of the European Institute of Social Security on social security and fraud 2013
- Colloque sur le dossier de soins partagé 2016
- Le futur de la protection sociale dans un monde qui change 2017
- Forum mondial de la sécurité sociale - Protéger les personnes dans un monde en mutation 2019
- Séance académique anniversaire du statut unique 2019
- Conférence virtuelle Luxembourg Microdata Platform on Labour and Social Protection 2021
- Forum mondial de la sécurité sociale - Social security for resilient and inclusive societies 2022
- Présentation de la nouvelle application ASK4MDP de l’Inspection générale de la sécurité sociale (IGSS) dans le cadre de la Luxembourg Microdata Platform on Labour and Social Protection 2022
- Séminaire technique IEN - Sécurité sociale et droits humains, accès aux droits et lutte contre le non-recours Belval, Luxembourg, 2023
- EHFCN - European Healthcare Fraud and Corruption Network - Open House 2024
- Coopérations
- Liens

World congress on future nursing systems - new approaches - new evidence for 2020 - 12th IOS World Congress 2012
There is evidence that future healthcare systems in general and nursing systems in particular facing major challenges due to access and availability of system specific services. Some of these challenges are related to new and more effective diagnostic procedures and treatment options based on outcomes of groundbreaking research in medical sciences. Increase in chronic illness and changes in awareness of health related quality of life and active ageing will generate new expectations and requirements among healthcare consumers. Healthcare providers need to know the variety and amount of requirements for self-care, dependent care and professional nursing care and the impact this may have on nursing systems in advance.
New technologies and indicatory healthcare practices will become influential in the design of future healthcare and nursing systems.
There is evidence that one of the results of these changes will be a faster growing market worldwide. One of the major tasks will be development of institutional and personal abilities to create age-related and self-care oriented programs to help people understand the future demands of healthcare strategies.
In 2012, the 12th biennial IOS World Congress provided a forum for various healthcare and non-healthcare professionals to present and discuss research findings, practice models and practice visions to improve and foster the development for healthcare and nursing care delivery in different societies.
The International Orem Society for Nursing Science and Scholarship and the Luxembourg Ministry of Social Security cohosted the congress from May 10 - 13, 2012 in Luxembourg. The event was in particular placed in the context of the '2012 European Year for Active Ageing and Solidarity between Generations'. Keynote speakers and presenters from more than 25 nations were evidence that this years' conference topic, "Future Nursing Systems - New Approaches - New Evidence for 2020", is important around the world.