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  • 2025 International Conference on Management and Innovation in Social Security – Cairo

    Leaders of social security organizations face unprecedented challenges. This includes ensuring their organizations are well-structured to deliver reliable services while being ready to quickly respond in an environment of continuous change. Social protection programmes are rapidly evolving and require new approaches to their implementation. Customers expect instant and accurate access to information and services through customer-centric and inclusive channels. Organizations need to ensure the continuity of services in the context of increasing risks and potential disruptions.


    Participation of Myriam Schanck, Vice-President of the ISSA technical commission, President of the Caisse pour l’avenir des enfants.



  • 2023 ISSA Webinar: Social protection responses to family breakdowns

    As well as being a fundamental human right, effective access to adequate and comprehensive social security benefits and services plays a crucial role in protecting children, and families with children against poverty and deprivation. Most often, the design of these interventions considers the traditional family structure dominated by a male breadwinner.


    Myriam Schanck, Vice-President of the ISSA technical commission, President of the Caisse pour l’avenir des enfants presented the following topics:


    PDF: 2023 09 27 Presentation Myriam Schanck


    PDF: 2023 09 27 Speech Myriam Schanck




  • 2022 Zentrum fir politesch Bildung: duerchbléck! 11 « Soziales und der Staat »

    Cette publication s’adresse principalement aux enseignant·e·s des écoles fondamentales et secondaires du Luxembourg.

    duerchbléck ! aborde des thèmes d’actualité ainsi que d’autres sujets susceptibles d’être traités dans différentes branches scolaires. Afin de garantir que les brochures répondent aux besoins du personnel enseignant, elles sont rédigées par des enseignant·e·s.

  • 2022 ISSA Webinar Unemployment insurance in the CARICOM region

    The lack of income protection in the case of unemployment is a major social protection gap in the Caribbean, and unemployment insurance remains the least developed social security branch. Boosted by the experience of the pandemic, several countries are now considering implementing unemployment benefits.


    Participation of Pierre Biren, Deputy Director of Finance, Employment Agency (ADEM).




  • 2021 ISSA Webinar Cybersecurity in social security – Threats, issues and strategies

    As social security administrations become increasingly digital, they also face risks induced by digitalization. Therefore, institutions have to set up cybersecurity strategies to secure their essential systems, service delivery and data, in order to protect their citizens.


    Participation of Hervé Barge, Chief Executive Officer, Agence eSanté – national eHealth agency for shared information in the health sector.


